General Terms and Conditions of Sale

1. General
These general terms and conditions apply subject to amendments, which both parties expressly agree to in writing.
2. Conclusion of the agreement
2.1. The agreement is deemed to have been concluded where, after receipt of an order, the seller has written a written to accept the assignment within the possible time limit set by the buyer period.
2.2. If the seller has set a deadline when making an offer, for its adoption, the agreement shall be deemed to be if the purchaser has entered into a contract before the expiry of the has given written notice to accept the offer, on the one hand, understanding, however, that no agreement has been concluded notification has not been received within one week of the expiry of this period. Entered.
2.3. The changes made to the seller's offer shall only be valid if they have been confirmed in writing. All orders intermediary must be dealt with directly by the seller to the copper are confirmed.
3. Drawings and descriptions
3.1. The weights, dimensions, capacities and other data, catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, images and price lists have the character of an approximate indication. Such data shall be linked only in so far as the expressly refers to it.
3.2. The obligations imposed on the drawings and technical descriptions provided to the purchaser, on the basis of which permits the manufacture of all or part of the product, the Seller Only. They may be deprived of the seller are not used, copied, copied, reproduced, transmitted to or brought to the attention of third parties. They are the property of the buyer: (a) if expressly agreed, or (b) where they relate to one of the implementation agreement, prior to development agreement, in which the seller does not assume the right of ownership.
3.3. The information provided before or after the conclusion of the agreement by the drawings and technical instruments provided to the seller by the buyer descriptions, on the basis of which the manufacture of all or part of the remain the exclusive property of the buyer. They may are not used by the seller without the buyer's consent, copied, reproduced, transmitted to or notified to the third parties.
4. Packaging Unless otherwise agreed, the prices are deemed to apply to unpackaged goods. The packaging is billed separately.
5. Control The buyer is authorized, both during manufacture and after completion the quality of the material used and of the work, the quality of the material used and the parts by being properly authorised representatives. These checks and verifications shall be carried out in accordance with the normal working hours in the workshop, after consulting the seller day and hour agreed upon in advance. The costs arising from the investigation or the intervention of an audit or inspection body at the expense of the buyer.
6. Transfer of risk
6.1. The goods are sold FOB (Incoterms 2010) and finally received, theyLFS if they are to be delivered sent.
6.2. The seller must give the buyer the date in writing, after which he must take delivery of the goods. The communication to the Purchase must be made in sufficient time to give the buyer the opportunity to take the necessary measures.
6.3. If the seller has acted to sell wagons or wagons to the buyer, other means of transport or to complete customs formalities. he will not be liable for this ; all costs arising from it will be charged at cost price Charged.
6.4. The goods travel at the risk of the buyer.
7. Retention of
title 7.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6, the the goods are the property of the seller until the time of the full payment of their prize.
7.2. The buyer undertakes not to sell the goods or to third parties as long as they remain the property of the seller. In the event of non-compliance with this prohibition, a flat-rate compensation of 50% of the sale price by the buyer (as a supplement to the selling price and any delays).
8. Delivery times
8.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the delivery time will run from the last of the following dates: (a) the date of conclusion of the agreement as referred to in defined in Article 2 (b) the day on which the seller receives an instalment payment, if an instalment payment is made before the start of manufacture, stipulated.
8.2. Unless otherwise agreed, the conditions set out in the agreement delivery times referred to only as an estimate: any Delay can never give rise to termination of the agreement or to any compensation.
8.3. If the buyer does not take delivery of the goods at the time of the made available by the seller, he may not make the nevertheless the due date normally set for the payments attached to the delivery. The seller provides for the storage of the goods at the expense and risk of of the buyer. If the buyer so requests, the seller shall, account of the buyer, for the insurance of the goods.
9. Payment

9.1. All payments shall be made in EURO or in the currency provided for in the Agreement; They are calculated net and discount-free.

9.2. The prices are calculated on the basis of the daily rate of raw materials, wages and social security contributions. Unless otherwise specified, the prices will be revised by applying the price revision formula attached to these general terms and conditions.

9.3. Unless otherwise agreed, invoices shall be payable within a period of 30 days from the day following that:

1° of the receipt by the buyer of the invoice or an equivalent request for payment, or

2° of the receipt of the goods or services, if the date of receipt of the invoice or the equivalent request for payment is not certain or if the buyer receives the invoice or the equivalent request for payment before the goods or services, or 3° of the acceptance or check to verify the conformity of the goods or services with the contract, if the law or the contract provides for a procedure for acceptance or verification and if the buyer receives the invoice or the equivalent request for payment before or on the date on which the acceptance or verification takes place. If the buyer does not pay within the agreed payment term or, failing that, within the statutory payment term, the seller is entitled, ipso jure and without notice of default, to the payment of interest at the reference interest rate plus eight percentage points and rounded up to the higher half percentage point from the following day. The reference interest rate is the interest rate applied by the European 

The Central Bank is applied to its most recent main refinancing operation as defined by the Law of 2 August 2002. In addition, if the buyer fails to pay within the agreed payment term or, failing this, within the statutory payment period, the seller is entitled to reasonable compensation from the buyer for all relevant recovery costs incurred as a result of the late payment, without prejudice to his right to reimbursement of the legal costs in accordance with the provisions of the Judicial Code. The fact that interest is stipulated does not prevent payments from being due on their due date.

9.4. All current and future taxes, and additional levies and costs, of whatever nature, associated with the sale are at the expense of the buyer.

10. Financial guarantees

The seller reserves the right if, after the conclusion of the contract but before the full payment of the price, it appears that the buyer's credit is compromised or if his creditworthiness decreases, namely in the following cases: 

requests for payment deadlines, protests, the seizure of all or part of the buyer's assets at the request of a creditor, delay in payments to the NSSO, etc. to demand the guarantee that he deems necessary for the proper execution of the obligations, even after the 

delivery of goods. No notice of default is required for this.

11. Termination clause

If an invoice is not paid on its due date, or in the event of application of article 10, the agreement will be dissolved by operation of law because the seller expresses his intention to do so by registered letter and without prior notice of default.

In this case, the seller has the right to take back the delivered goods without going to court. In addition, compensation of 15% of the price, with a minimum of 250 EURO, will be due.

12. Warranty

12.1. The seller undertakes to remedy all indisputable hidden defects (in the goods themselves) that are not the result of force majeure, of an erroneous intervention of the buyer or of third parties, by replacement or repair. This obligation only extends to defects that become apparent during one year after recruitment; this is presumed to have taken place 30 days after the goods have been made available in the factories if the delivery has taken place in Belgium and 45 days if the delivery has taken place abroad.

The seller becomes the owner of the replaced parts. These documents will be returned at the buyer's expense.

12.2. The Seller shall not be liable for any other warranty or compensation other than what is stipulated in paragraph 12.1. In particular, the seller will not be obliged to pay any compensation for any damage to commercially used goods or for losses related to the professional activity of the buyer or the persons for whom he is held liable pursuant to art. 1384 of the Civil Code.

12.3. The seller will also not be obliged to compensate for this damage on the basis of extra-contractual grounds. With regard to physical damage and damage to private property, the seller will not be obliged to pay compensation if:

• it cannot be demonstrated that the defects were present at the time the goods were put into circulation;

• the seller, given the state of science and technology, could not have been aware of the presence of the defects;

• in the event that the defects are due to the conception of the item in which the goods are incorporated or to the instructions of the buyer;

• the damage is due to fault on the part of the purchaser, the injured person or the person for whom the injured person is responsible (e.g.: faulty manoeuvres, incorrect operation, 

transformations carried out by the buyer or third parties, etc.);

• the defects are the result of the conformity of the goods with mandatory regulations emanating from public authorities;

• if the damage is due to a lack of maintenance or to maintenance contrary to the maintenance booklet or the maintenance instructions drawn up by the manufacturer;

• if the damage is due to the intervention of a third party not approved by the manufacturer.

12.4. The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against any claims or claims that third parties may bring against him on the basis of damages as defined in point 12.3. In the case of a manufacture according to a plan provided by the buyer, the guarantee will in any case be limited to a strict execution of the pieces according to the designation of these plans.

13. Editing

13.1. Assembly is never part of the agreement. However, the seller may agree to make specialized workers or technicians available to him at the request of the buyer, according to special conditions. In this case, the performance of these 

workers or mechanics under the supervision, at the expense and at the responsibility of the buyer, who has to bear the costs of insurance.

13.2. The buyer must provide all assistance, materials and materials necessary for the assembly at his own expense.

14. Liberating circumstances

14.1. If the contract has been concluded and prevent its performance, the following shall be deemed to be discharging circumstances, such as fire, mobilisation, seizure, embargo, prohibition of foreign exchange transfer, insurrection, shortage of means of transport, general scarcity of raw materials, restrictions on energy consumption, if these other circumstances occur beyond the control of the parties.

14.2. The party invoking the above circumstances must immediately notify the other party in writing of the occurrence and of the expiry thereof.

14.3. The occurrence of one of these circumstances removes all liability from both the seller and the buyer.

15. Applicable law

The contract is governed by Belgian law, unless the parties have decided otherwise.

16. Competent courts

In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the place of registered office of Act in Time shall have jurisdiction.



For goods produced outside the Eurozone, a change in the exchange rate of more than 2% will be settled with the currency applicable there in the proportion to which it affects the cost price, reflected in Euro.

The reference for this revision is the mid-market rate of the price on the offer date compared to the delivery date.