Spur Gear motors


The so-called 'spur gear' gearbox is suitable for applications where position accuracy is not important. Compared to a planetary gear, the spur gear is typically cheaper to produce and also more quiet. On the other hand, the power density - read the max. output torque - is lower for a given flange size. This construction also exhibits bigger play, which can pose a problem with positioning or left/right movement..

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  • Spur Gear motors
  • Worm Gearmotors

The so-called 'spur gear' gearbox is suitable for applications where position accuracy is not important. Compared to a planetary gear, the spur gear is typically cheaper to produce and also more quiet. On the other hand, the power density - read the max. output torque - is lower for a given flange size. This construction also exhibits bigger play, which can pose a problem with positioning or left/right movement..

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