BLE2 Series


The BLE2 Series is the advanced version of the BMU series. The driver can be set in the MEXE02 software of Oriental motor and can be controlled via an external DC voltage, external potentiometer, the control panel of the driver itself or via the MEXE02 software.

The motor is available from 30W to 400W and has a maximum speed of 4000 rpm.

The motor is also available as H1 Food-frade, IP65, IP66 and IP67.

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  • BMU Series
  • BLE2 Series
  • BLH Series
  • BLV-R Series

The BLE2 Series is the advanced version of the BMU series. The driver can be set in the MEXE02 software of Oriental motor and can be controlled via an external DC voltage, external potentiometer, the control panel of the driver itself or via the MEXE02 software.

The motor is available from 30W to 400W and has a maximum speed of 4000 rpm.

The motor is also available as H1 Food-frade, IP65, IP66 and IP67.

No product defined

No product defined in category "Mechanics / Couplings / Safety Couplings".