Linear slide with ball screw
GKS series
MGBS series
EZS series
MTV series
CTV series
Linear slides with ball screws are suitable for applications where accuracy is important. In addition, the high efficiency enables a 100% duty cycle. To support large loads in a sufficiently stable manner, variants are available in different sizes and also with 2 guides in parallel. They can also be used in a multi-axis setup.
The types we offer are:
GKS : standardized stages with ultra-fast delivery
MGBS : basic version with stepper motor
EZS : closed version with closed loop stepper motor and low design
EAS : standard version with single guide and closed loop stepper motor
MTV : single guide, can be combined with servo or stepper motor, possibly integrated driver/controller
CTV: double guidance, can be combined with servo or stepper motor, possibly integrated driver/controller