DC Motors with integrated electronics


The embedded ECU (Electronic Control Unit) for the DC gearmotor makes it possible to have a close control loop in a very compact and robust motor-driver package with an attractive price for volume applications. This concept has already been implemented in production and can be implemented in particular projects by developing a specific software. 


  • CANopen 
  • CAN J1939 
  • LIN 
  • Combined CAN & DIGITAL I/O (available soon) 
  • IP69K as a standard 
  • Voltage system customization: 12 or 24V 
  • Very accurate speed and position control 
  • Smooth motion during reversal of the rotation 
  • Capability to rotate the motor in both directions
  • Synchronization of several motors 
  • Diagnostic function 
  • Bootloader offers flexibility for updates 
  • And customizations in 12V and 24V version with different speed, torque performance and output shafts.



    • Digital inputs/outputs | LIN | CAN J1939 | CANopen



12V - 24V

Nom. Torque

2 - 9 Nm

Nom. Speed

13 - 230 rpm

Starting Torque

20 - 60 Nm

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Brochures & Datasheets

  • Servomotor with integrated electronics
  • Stepper motor with integrated electronics
  • DC Motors with integrated electronics

The embedded ECU (Electronic Control Unit) for the DC gearmotor makes it possible to have a close control loop in a very compact and robust motor-driver package with an attractive price for volume applications. This concept has already been implemented in production and can be implemented in particular projects by developing a specific software. 


  • CANopen 
  • CAN J1939 
  • LIN 
  • Combined CAN & DIGITAL I/O (available soon) 
  • IP69K as a standard 
  • Voltage system customization: 12 or 24V 
  • Very accurate speed and position control 
  • Smooth motion during reversal of the rotation 
  • Capability to rotate the motor in both directions
  • Synchronization of several motors 
  • Diagnostic function 
  • Bootloader offers flexibility for updates 
  • And customizations in 12V and 24V version with different speed, torque performance and output shafts.



    • Digital inputs/outputs | LIN | CAN J1939 | CANopen



12V - 24V

Nom. Torque

2 - 9 Nm

Nom. Speed

13 - 230 rpm

Starting Torque

20 - 60 Nm

Aucun produit défini

No product defined in category "Contrôleurs / Servo drives / IS810 Series".